Instructions for Ordering

Add all your chosen items to your shopping cart

The shopping cart is always available in the top right of our website. Add, modify and remove items as needed, before checking out.

Once your cart is assembled, proceed to checkout and add your billing and shipping information.

If you’re looking to ship multiple items to multiple recipients as gifts, please review the next step.

Step 1 - Enable Option

Start by selecting “Ship to a different address” on the checkout page. The button will look like this:

After selecting this option, click on “Set Multiple Addresses“. This will allow you to add more addresses that you can ship different items to later.

You can add the first address you want to have available to ship to here.

You can assign which items ship to which address later. 

Once your first address is added, it will show as the only address for each product in your cart.

To add more addresses as options to ship to, click on “Add a new shipping address“. Repeat this process for as many addresses as you want to have available to choose from.

Next you can assign each item in your cart to any address you added during the last step.

Once the correct address is assigned to each item in your cart, select “Save Addresses and Continue“.

With each address you added assigned to each item in your cart, the last step is to add a personalized note in the “Note” field for each recipient.

You’re done! Simply check out with your payment details and we’ll take care of the rest.